My dear new friends, Chrisina and Dennis from Germany

Old timers here, including this farm that I am living, were effected by Chernoybl. No planting was done do to the fall out for 2 years.
This is a country that was over 5,0000 miles from the Chernobyl fall out; but on the same latitude.
When I arrived here, just after the first earthquake in Japan, I was met by my new friends Dennis and Christina from Germany. They lived through Chernobyl. They witnessed not the close suffering of the people of the Ukraine but the next level of fall out, less than 1000 miles away. At first, like now, they were saying that there was no need for alarm. They rode bikes, played outdoors and did not change their activitys. Then they were told the bad news AFTER the fact: stay indoors, don't drink the milk, keep a dust free environment, etc. Christina witnessed many of her young friend's families develop different cancers.
Christina and I launched on a mission to educate ourselves in a town that is already educated on preventive measures, supplies and TRUE information on the hazards of the Petkau effect of radiation that everyone of this day and age of nuclear power should know.
Below are the links that I follow from very respected and trusted sources. All of these sites have the up to date knowledge of current events, TRUTH and ways to get into action. They have all been refered by nuclear experts during the lectures I have attended. I personally come from 25 years in the field of radiation as a Radiological Technologist and what I have been hearing sounds valid.
Dr. Helen Caldicott, MD: She has devoted the last 35 years to an international campaign to educate the public about the medical hazards of the nuclear age and the necessary changes in human behaviour to stop environmental destruction. Follow her on: facebook Dr Helen Caldicott, Md for up to date current events
This artical is extremely informative for the lay person. The end of the article gives you diet and supplements to incorporate into your lifestyle to help off set some of the effects of radiation in our food, water and air.All of the remedies he lists are recommended by many other sites and the local health food stores here in this town.One additional remedy that he doesn't list is Rosemary. It's recommended to drink atleast 2-3 cups a day. Dry or fresh. Dry: 1 teaspoon per cup.Bottom line, get healthy!
Where does the gratitude come in?Watching people rise and step into action...the only solution. Watching people focus in on their health and taking responsibility for it. People coming together to help Japan. It's a changing world and I am gratiful to be part of the solution. Fukushima and it's effects are not over yet. Most of us live by a nuclear power plant.