August 7, 2010
On the road of the Sunshine Coast with just me and my Dog and God

We're having a heat wave (32 celsius)....and I feel like I am back home, temperature wise. This is an unusual temperature and there is actually a water shortage going on! Hard to believe that they conserve water way more than we do and they have 10 times more water than the US. I hiked through this cool furry forest near Egmont.
It boasts the Skookumchuck Narrows which are the most powerful rapids in the world. It was a like I was in a dream or a movie set of Lord of the Rings or Avatar. I was chased here by a horse fly till I could barely breath. I was quite a spectacle to other hikers as I was screaming and batting at it with giant fern leaves. As I surrendered to the fact that it was going to win and take my arm or leg off because I was so out of breath and would probably die from lack of air anyways, I remembered reading from Gina P's book "Backcountry Betty" not to wear certain bright colours and I had bright orange on.....well the minute I took it off....bug be gone!!!! I survived with all my parts and lungs. Lola thought I was playing chase.

Fair thee Well my friends,
Pioneer Janet
I didn't know learning Spanish in Mexico was on "your list." Let me know if it is a serious consideration as my brother has a 2nd home down there on some remote lake Valle de Bravo I think is the name.